Go From Wish List to Wonderful with Bedrock Gardens
This month, we explore how to best plan your outdoor landscape features. At some point, every home and business owner desires to add more to their outdoor landscape. When you look out the window, do you add to an ever-growing vision of how you might wish your landscape could look? Maybe you would like to transform your existing property into something with a little more curb appeal.
Outdoor landscapes all begin with a plan of some sort. So how do you determine the best plan for your outdoor landscape? Whether you make sketches on a piece of paper, compile a file of images on your phone, or schedule a consult with a landscape design pro, having a plan can be your key to success.
This month is a fine time to begin making a landscape plan. Choosing to add even one outdoor feature can require careful preparation. If you have a whole list of ideas, then you may have even more choices to investigate.
Start by Checking a Few Online Resources
In determining how to best plan your outdoor landscape features, you do not have to reinvent the wheel. There are several online sources you might check to help get outdoor landscape plans underway. A few of the top resources you may visit include Better Homes and Gardens, HGTV, and Pinterest.
Know that what you see online, however, can be just a start. While you may have grand ideas, there may be limitations. Certain types of structures, as well as plant material, may not be suitable to install in our area. Practical advice in the HGTV article says to plan for equipment access. This aspect alone is important whether you have a residential or commercial landscape project.
Perhaps you have an existing “eyesore” as part of your landscape that must be removed first. Whether you seek to plant trees or deliver a pallet of bricks for a project, there must be adequate room for people and materials. Another critical reminder is whether you may need to provide access to utilities, or if you plan changes that might affect existing features.
Your property could include such things as a septic tank or leach field. You may have to work around some of these necessary existing features. Decide on larger to-do items before settling in on refinements.
The Next Wise Move is to Check Local Sources Like Bedrock Gardens
Once you have a landscaping plan with some main focal points, this will help determine a budget. This can be where wishes and ideas may hit the hard reality of cost. It can be challenging if you see a particular landscape feature or brand name you wish to have.
Many home and business owners alike budget a limited amount to exterior work and upgrades. Savvy property owners schedule installation of outdoor landscaping features over a period of time to provide for growth. This allows them to tweak or trim as needed to help achieve the look they want.
Before ordering landscape items from far away and having them shipped, a wise move is to check local sources. Bedrock Gardens in Hazleton, PA, serves residential and commercial locations in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. When you need a great local source of landscape materials and other items for the outdoors, visit us first!
A local landscape and garden center, like Bedrock Gardens, offers unmatched experience in what can work best. Here, local home and business owners can see the brands and materials up close. Speak with an experienced team who can offer sound advice. Listen to their recommendations and cautions before making any decisions.
Adjust Outdoor Landscape Plans as Necessary
Once you have a better idea and receive some expert advice, this is the best time to make adjustments to your outdoor landscape plans. If necessary, and if budget permits, you may think critically about what to install when. Depending on what your landscape plans might be, you may also have to think creatively, as well as critically.
An example might be that you seek to install a row of trees either to line a walkway or to separate part of the property. Perhaps after speaking with the local garden center, there may be limitations as to the types of trees you can successfully plant. Another factor might be their cost. One family solved this dilemma creatively by purchasing a rooted pine tree every year for the winter holidays and then planting it after the ground thawed. Before a decade passed, they successfully had their row of trees keeping each other company.
For commercial locations, a workable outdoor landscape plan may be less about plants. A business owner may need one or more exterior or outbuildings to allow for storage. Replacing open-bay storage with full-enclosure sheds made better sense. They could transform their outdoor storage one building at a time to keep materials safer from the elements and pests. Tackling their landscape changes one at a time helped keep costs manageable.
Outdoor Landscape Plans and Features in Hazleton, PA
For many customers in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties, Bedrock Gardens serves a variety of growing needs. From delivering mulch in complementary colors to installing outdoor features, we can enhance your landscape plans. Achieve beautiful results at your home or business with our quality products. Let us know if you have specific questions about your gardening, landscaping, or hardscape needs.
We carry some of the top brands in the industry, and have local experience you can trust. Call us today to find out more or to schedule a visit during business hours. Let Bedrock Gardens show you some reliable outdoor features to suit your home or business. Check back again to read more on outdoor landscaping ideas in and around Hazleton, PA.
Bedrock Gardens and Radznel’s Outdoor Specialties are open six days a week, proudly serving residential and commercial customers in the surrounding Hazleton, PA, region. Like us and keep in touch on Facebook. Call today at (570) 501-3154, or email us for more information on how to best plan your outdoor landscape features.